Sine Robertson

Working as a shepherd, I joined institutes in Lanarkshire, Perthshire and Peeblesshire. Moving to Angus, I was privileged to be invited to join Cortachy, which helped to change my life for the better.

Our President nominated me to inform members and the public of the many opportunities available in Angus Federation and beyond.

I set up which carries institute and community news. Previously, I ran ENKCA community blog around fundraising activities for the new hall at Balkeerie and covered its early events.

In my day job, I am involved in PR work, collect sheepdog trial results and report on trials and other matters for the press. Some members want to learn more about exhibiting and judging, H&H, Matter of Opinion, Variations on a Theme, Ruralympics, summer schools, etc. I hope people will provide news and photos of events to promote Rural activities in traditional and modern media.