The annual Angus Federation Show is held around March each year and is a chance for all members of Angus Institutes to submit collective and individual entries into the many varied classes of the competition. The Show is open to the public on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday and attracts many visitors.
The schedule for the Federation Show details every class available in the various sections – Homeskills, Handcrafts, Bulbs, as well as the Co-operative Exhibit Section which teams of 8 members of one Institute work together on to produce a display on the allocated theme within boards of predetermined dimensions. There are also classes for teenagers, intermediate members and seniors.
The 2025 Federation Show schedule is available here.
If, after reading the guidelines below, you have a question about the show schedule or would like to see other people’s questions please use the comment box at the bottom of the page.
A summary of the classes contributing points to each cup is available here.
How to enter
The easiest way to submit entries is online but you may also email the Federation Show Convenor [email protected].
Entries for the Co-operative class should be emailed to the Federation Show Convenor [email protected].
Entries will be welcomed between the schedule being distributed to Institutes and December 2024.
- All exhibits must be the bona fide work of Angus SWI members
- Exhibits must not previously have been entered in a Federation Show
- Members may only enter exhibits from one Institute
- Members may submit entries to more than one class
- Members cannot enter more than one exhibit in any class
- All exhibits must have the correct entry label securely attached
- The judges’ decisions will be regarded as final
- A novice is someone who has not previously won a place in the Homeskills or Handcrafts section (the Centenary Trophy is awarded to a novice in the Homeskills section one year and the Handcrafts section the next).
- Entrants to the intermediate section should not have been a member of the SWI for more than 5 years
- **teenage – please highlight if entry is from a teenager
- Entrants to the senior classes must be 66 years of age by the 31st December prior to the show
- Co-operative exhibits boards must be within 91cm wide, 68cm deep (external measurements). 10 points will be deducted for boards out with these measurements
Tips for showing
We have a few useful tips to help you show your entries to their best potential here.
2024 Federation Show
Congratulations to all the prizewinners in 2024! You can find the list of prizewinners here. A more detailed breakdown of scores is available here.

2023 Federation Show
Congratulations to all the prizewinners in 2023! You can find the list of prizewinners here. A more detailed breakdown of scores is available here.

2022 Federation Show
Congratulations to all the prizewinners this year! You can find the list of prizewinners here. A more detailed breakdown of scores is available here.
Our sincere thanks to Sandra at Downfield Studio Photography, both for judging our photography classes and for taking some great photographs of the show.

2019 Federation Show
Prize Winners
Congratulations to all who won prizes this year! You can find the list of prizewinners here.
Hi Fiona, The clarification says "any size" as most kits are bigger than A4. Kits come pre-stencilled with all the necessary colours included.If you prefer to do your own design and get the colours to suit that's fine too.Hope that helps.
For the Diamond Art Picture, do you have to design it yourself or can it be pre-stencilled?
Hi, Thank you for your query. Any double knitting weight yard would work. Pure wool would be too expensive and perhaps not suitable for Africa where the finished products are to be donated to.
Pattern for item 33 say it any yarn or specifically wool which is to be used.
Hi Catherine, You can either email [email protected] who might have them or enter 99999 and we can check later. Hope that helps.
New members trying to submit entries for Federation Show but don't have membership number. Where do we get these from.
Hi Heather, Thank you for your query. The recipe wasn't provided on this occasion. Good luck in the show!
Hello, The Falafel is described in schedule as 'Egyptian vegan recipe', is this a recipe you have supplied, think sometimes in the past we have had to follow a specific recipe?
Definately not too late Sandra - we'd be delighted to accept your submissions.
I have a couple of items I had made for the 2020 show and wonder if it is too late to enter them in this years show
Hi Diane. This is where online submissions should be made for the 2022 Federation Show. Many thanks.
Is this where we can submit our entries for the show ( should it go ahead ?)
Hi Catherine, Thanks for your enquiry. Entries are not being carried forwrd from 2020 in case members have changed their mind about their entries or are no longer eligible. Not sure about your other query but will endeavor to find out.
Are entries from 2020 being carried forward or do members previously entered need to enter again for 2022? The Intermediary classes are restricted to those who have been members for 5 years or an allowance being made for two years which were cancelled?