Outdoor bowls




10:00 - 15:00

Forfar Bowling Club

Melbourne Place, Lour Road, Forfar, DD8 2AS
Happened 6 years ago

Please note this is a triples competition. If we have 6 or more teams competing at Federation level we can send two teams to the National Final if we are lucky enough to be drawn in the ballot for a second team

We encourage you to enter either as a team or an individual as we often make up a composite team and require reserves. Please submit entries (teams/individuals) to Rosemary Jappy (joint Bowling Convenor) , 4 Jamieson Street, Forfar DD8 2JE or email [email protected] by 18th May.

The National Final will take place on 5th August 2019 at Maxwell Town Bowling Club, hosted by Dumfriesshire Federation.

The rules the National Finals can be found here.